The roads to Nan...

The 5 day Northern Thailand experience of a lifetime!


Bring your challenges in life and business with you and get them solved along the ride. Find solutions to your obstacles and find the time to be who you want to be.


Create memories of a lifetime!

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The roads to Nan…

The raods to Nan is a 5 day experience for the more experienced riders that will be a bit longer thant he other Tribal Run when it comes to daily riding. It contains some of the most stunning roads Thailand has to offer, and it the first choice of a motorbike ride for any enthusiasts. 

Here is the full itinerary for these 5 days, only with some great surprises not mentioned.

Day 1. Chiang Mai to Doi Mae Salong (250 KM)

Remember that in our tours, we start early in the morning after breakfast and we arrive back in Chiang Mai after ended tour in the afternoon, so you might need a total of 6 nights on this whole trip. The bike ride is 5 days and 4 nights in total.

After you arrive and spend a night in Chiang Mai, we will start our day just after breakfast with riding the inner roads to Phrao, then over some stunning forests and deserted mountain roads to Doi Mae Salong. 

Doi Mae Salong is a mountain with huge tea-farms and flower hillsides. The road are narrow and twisty, but with great asphalt and no traffic. The famous Oolong tea is a must-taste in these hills, and it has several attraction to see and many stunning viewpoint coffee shops along the way. 

We will have our first coaching session here in a stunning view over the mountains and valley below. In this first 1 hour session, we will focus on getting to know eachother better and to establish the agenda for the rest of the tour. 

We stay in a nice hotel with stunning view over the valley, and we will gather for a nice dinner together at the hotel.

Day 2. Doi Mae Salong to Chiang Khong (160 KM)

The morning starts with breakfast at the hotel.

After breakfast, we will have a short coaching session for approx 1 hour, before we get changed into our riding gear and checked out from the hotel. In this session we will concentrate on the issues that you might have from your workplace, for who that is willing to share. We will give some great examples on how to avoid your challenges. We will talk about a new way of leadership and how to get your employees to love their jobs.

We start the ride with a visit at the Doi Thung Royal Villa and Flower Plantation, then we go the Thailands most northly point, the border crossing to Myanmar, then we will ride to the Golden Triangle and have lunch.

The lunchbreak is also being used for some short one-on-one coaching sessions, and we get to visit the Golden Triangle where our guide will tell you the history of the triangle and the opium trade.

We ride the stunning “Paradise Road” to Chiang Khong, and check in to a nice hotel by the mekong river. In the late afternoon, we can swim in the pool and socialise before we all have dinner together at the hotel. After dinner, those who wants can visit the 2 only bars nearby, in a very cozy and relaxed atmosphere.

Day 3. Chiang Khong to Nan. (300 KM)

Get ready for our longest day, but also the most fun riding day of the tour. Today, we are going on the famous route 1148, one of the top 10 motorbike riding roads in the world. Over several small and big mountains and we also going to see the stunning views of Phu Chi Fah.

This day is all about riding our bikes, and we will do some one-on-one coaching along the way and after we arrive in the nice hotel in Nan. All coaching this day is optional and depending on your need.

When we arrive in the hotel in Nan, it is time to cool down in the swimmingpool and then get ready for dinner.

Day 4. Nan to Phayao (175 KM)

This is going to be a short riding day with a lot of coaching, training and learning. We will decide together if we are starting the day riding or coaching and spend half the day on the road, and the rest in group meetings and one-on-one coaching sessions. We will have some group trainings and easy mindset and mindfulness competitions adn we will solve many of the challenges you might have brougth with you. A day full of surprices that we know you are going to love.

Day 5. Phayao to Chiang Mai (150-200 KM)

The last riding day has two optional routes. Depending on finalising setting your goals and creating the necessary results of your coaching along this tour. 

If we see the need for more coaching, we will choose the easiest, but by all means also great fun road back to Chiang Mai. Or if you want to spend more time riding, we have an option to go across the small mountain roads back to Chiang Mai. Small, twisty but good roads in the middle of the jungle takes us down to Chiang Mai on roads very few knew even existed. 

Back in Chiang Mai, we will gather in the same hotel as we departed and have a final drink together before you can spend the last evening in Chiang Mai just the way you want it.

For those that wish to stay longer in Chiang Mai, we can offer to extend your stay and also offer you day-trips to the numerous exciting things to do in Chiang Mai and the area around.