Hi there, lets see what i have been up to!

The White Temple Chiang Rai

The White Temple Chiang Rai

Northern Thailand. Attraction article by: Tom Stenshavn The White Temple in Chiang Rai (Wat Rong Khun) Little was known about Wat Rong Khun temple before it was left in the hands of Chalermchai Khositpipat, considered to be one of Thailand’s greatest modern artist. He...

Top 10 roads to ride in Thailand on MC

Top 10 roads to ride in Thailand on MC

These are the top 10 roads in Thailand in my opinion. The order can be discussed, but i have tried to divide them by riding experience, road quality and also scenery. I will write more about each of them as i visit them again in the near future.Chiang Mai to Nan...

Tom, about the traffic in Thailand

Tom, about the traffic in Thailand

Is is totally crazy - or is it actually quite safe? It is written a lot in most media about the Thailand traffic. With accident rates and statistics that can scare everyone from daring to drive a vehicle in Thailand, and some also so scared that they refrain from...