Northern Thailand.
Attraction article by: Tom Stenshavn
Wat Muen Phutthawitthaya School and Buddha
Wat Muen Phutthawitthaya School is a School offering 4 departments: the General Education Department, Dharma Department, Pali Department, and Mandarin Language Course Department. By Phra Maha, faculty member of China.
Phra Dech Phrakhun Phra Maha, Maha Faculty of Dhamma Meditation Wat (Chao Khun Yen Tek), the great priest of China has built Wat Muen Phuttha Metta Kunaram, a temple of Mahayana under the act of Chinese clergy and is the only temple in the northern province of Thailand. It was granted permission to establish the temple on March 18, 1997 as an educational center. The propagation of Buddhism and the religious practice of the Chinese monks. As well as being a place of merit-making and the conduct of Buddhists in general.
Phra Dech Phra Khun Phra Maha, the teacher of the Chinese Dhamma Meditationwat (Chao Khun Yen Tek) was a young student from Chiang Rai. Living in the wilderness and having poor family status and no educational opportunities, he was ordained as a novice of the Chinese sect. To gain training and education so both worldly and religious academics go hand in hand.
In the year 1999, Phradech therefore initiated the establishment “Wat Muen Phutthawitthaya School” amd came up with the objective to cultivate and create young students to be good people with moral knowledge. Being a quality human resource of the nation and creating good religious heirs, inherit religion, heal treasures and spread Buddhism.
Manager name Phra Maha Vajiralongkorn, age 82 years, 62 years honorary doctorate degree in Buddhism from Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University, honorary doctorate of philosophy From Ramkhamhaeng University and an honorary doctorate Mahayana Education From Mahayana Buddhist University in Malaysia.
The school has now total 132 students, 2 administrators, 4 monk teachers, 9 lay teachers, 2 special Chinese language teachers.

Tom Stenshavn
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